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Pounded Yam Flour vs. Natural Flour: Which One is Right for Your Diet?


Our daily choices have a lot of effect on our health.  Sometimes, you justify your cheat meals by saying that eating that little a day will not affect your body. But until you come across some sort of illness, you will never realise the benefits of healthy eating. Therefore, as you think before you speak. Likewise, analyse and think about the food you are going to eat.


Sometimes, following a complete diet plan is not easy and you feel bored by eating the same food. But now, you have several healthy and delicious food options. That you can add to your daily meal and get a pocket full of essential vitamins and minerals.


Bread is a commonly used food. And you can’t ignore the ingredients of the bread. Normally, bread is made up of wheat flour, which is also called natural flour. But when you research deeply, you will get to know the number of other options. Like Yam Flour, Pounded Yam Flour, and many more. But it’s your turn to find which one is better for your brain and body. So, make sure to learn about the bite that is going inside your mouth.

Comparison between Pounded Yam Flour and Natural Flour


In this blog, we will learn the nutritional composition of Pounded Yam Flour and Natural Flour. So, we will be able to find the right option for your diet.  


Let’s dig into it!




When you study the processing of the Pounded Yam Flour, then you will notice that many unit operations are performed on the product of a simple Yam Plant. After all of that, you will be able to get Pounded Yam Flour. Also, during the processing, many chemicals are added that play their role as preservatives. 


Furthermore, these procedures that are followed in the making of Pounded Yam Flour, unlock the essential vitamins and minerals. So, they absorb better and provide more nutrition. One more thing is the shelf life. The processed flour has improved shelf life, and there are fewer chances of spoilage by microorganisms. Therefore, people preferred processed Pounded Yam Flour over other options.


On the other hand, natural flour is very good for health. And gives us lots of benefits. But there are some beneficial minerals and vitamins that are packed in the natural flour. And if they are consumed in their locked form, they give us less nutrition. Therefore, they need to be broken down to benefit our body tissues. Hence, while choosing any flour we should keep such facts in our mind. 


Nutritional Values 


Although we can get plenty of energy just by eating simple bread. Then, what is the reason to eat a variety of food? We make such choices to provide our bodies with crucial vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. As our body doesn’t work well without intaking them. Therefore, when we go to buy food for ourselves, the nutrient count should be our number one priority. 


Moreover, looking deep into the composition of the Pounded Yam Flour, you will see a high amount of many vital components. And, we all know that an adequate amount of these minerals is necessary for healthy living. But we should also consider the fact that many essential compounds are lost during the processing. Therefore with the help of fortification and enrichment, we make sure to deliver as many minerals and vitamins as we can. 


Additionally, Natural Flour, due to fewer heat treatments and other procedures, retains a good amount of these nutritional components. So, without any processing, you can get many health benefits. But due to less processing, you might have difficulty cooking it at home. As the Natural Flour will not be according to the texture you want. 


Health considerations


As it is well said: Health is a great wealth. Therefore, we should not compromise on our health. As we have discussed earlier, our health is affected by every single drop that goes inside us, whether it is food or some other microorganisms. So be very careful before eating anything. 


Moreover, we all know that some people get allergic reactions after eating specific food. Some respond badly after having milk and dairy products. Because they can’t tolerate lactose. Similarly, some people can’t enjoy eating Natural Flour, as their stomach don’t digest gluten. Therefore, they need a gluten-free option. So, Pounded Yam Flour is a really good choice for them. As it suits their stomach and is completely gluten-free. 



After overviewing the above-mentioned facts, one can easily conclude that the Pounded Yam Flour is right for your diet. It doesn’t mean the Natural Flour harms you. There are indeed some components present in the Pounded Yam Flour that put it on top of the other options. So, if you are looking for a nutritious choice that you can add to your diet, then choose Pounded Yam Flour.

Also, to buy it at One Person Foods 100% pure yam flour is just one step away from you.